Declaring War on the Ordinary
- Nice work BETC Euro RSCG - - - from Creativity - Canal+: The Bear
- In Chicago? Stop by our offices on 36 E Grand. As part of Chicago Artists Month - EURO RSCG is now an art gallery.
- Winners Announced for 2nd Annual Hearst Challenge-Euro RSCG Discovery and Global Decision took home the top prizes!
- Good Job! @kevinmnewby Thanks all for coming to my #DMA speaking gig; Evolved Direct into the New Wild. Slides available now via #DMA2011
euro mixtape
Playlist Top 5
1. Not a robot but a ghost
2. Suburban war
3. El Manana
4. Mongrel heart
5. I don't want to go to chelsea
2. Suburban war
3. El Manana
4. Mongrel heart
5. I don't want to go to chelsea
The Current Playlist Belongs To:
Robert Smith
Job Title:
Studio Supervisor
Favorite Brand:
rickenbacker guitars
Favorite Food:
Guac and Chips